The fundamental key for a project’s sustainability and success
depends on the strength of its roots in a local community.
MARE devises strategic development plans for cultural
institutions and for public and private organisations by
designing interactive paths aimed at strengthening the project's
links to its local context.

1. Our design uses the Community-Led Local Development
(CLLD) approach approved by the European Union.
This methodology is built upon the concept of the local
population being a protagonist in all phases of the project:
from the preliminary mapping to the final draft of a joint plan
of action; from the composition and presentation of a call for
tender to the fundraising for and then daily development of the
project; and from the creation of content for communications and
promotional material to the verification of the final results.
2. For the purpose of building roots, we conduct a
careful survey to map the local context to make sure that every
proposal we come up with is part of a more general territorial
marketing offer, capable of creating networks and relationships
and of activating synergies between diverse socio-economic
realities to the benefit of all concerned.
3. The goal of activating local communities is focused
in particular on boosting local businesses, in order to
stimulate and organize the local community’s skills and
knowledge necessary to make long-term and independent plans for
the future stages of local economic development.